Cash Game Central strongly supports the concept of responsible gaming. While the overwhelming majority of players participate in online gaming in a responsible and rational manner, there are a very small proportion who do not.
It is widely believed that 1-2% of all gamblers are compulsive and that most experience varying degrees of depression. Participating in games of chance becomes a self-medicating distraction, providing only temporary relief from then underlying problems associated with this type of compulsive behavior.
How do you know if you have a gambling problem?
A compulsive gambler is defined as someone whose gambling has caused growing and continuing problems in his or her life. Symptoms include the inability to stop gambling despite vows to abstain, and increasing financial, work and/or relationship difficulties as a result of gambling.
What can you do if you have a problem?
Admit that you have a progressive illness that wonβt go away by itself. Thousands of people have received help through Gamblers Anonymous or other programs designed specifically for people with gambling problems.
If you or someone you know has a gambling problem, we urge you to contact either of these organizations for help:
International Center for Responsible Gaming
900 Cummings Center
Suite 219-UBeverly, MA 01915
Phone: 978-338-6610 or visit their website
Gamblers Anonymous
PO Box 307, Massapequa Park, NY 11762
Phone: 718-352-1671 or visit their website